
European Global Surgery Network Inaugural Conference

Essen, Germany October 8th -12th 2024


Tuesday 8th of October 

Time: 8.30 – 17.00 pm

Time: 8.30 – 17.00 pm

Time: 8.30 – 17.00 pm

Workshop A:
Acute Gynecology / Obstetrics.
Workshop B:
Basics of Open Fractures-Course
Workshop C:
Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and
Medical Technology in LMIC.
Stefanie Grundler
Stefanie Stutznaecker
Hien Sontié Tiémassé 
Anika Hüser
Lawry Dsane
Matthijs Botman
Pieter Haasnoot
Pim Bongers
Joost Binnerts
George Njambilo
Egehan Salepci
Ismail Mohamed
Ali JimaleTobias Bastian

Wednesday 9th of October

Time 8.30 – 12.30 pm and 13.30 – 17.30 pm  

Time 8.30 – 12.30 pm and 13.30 – 17.30 pm  

Time 8.30 – 12.30 pm and 13.30 – 17.30 pm  

Workshop D:
Acute Abdomen, Bowel Anastomosis and Stoma Care in LMIC.
Workshop E:
Anesthesiology and Critical Care in LMIC.
Workshop F: 
Low Resource Simulation Training for Laparoscopy
Marije Gordinou de Gouberville
Jurre van Kesteren
Tom Gresnigt
Emily Tegnell
Nora Zergi 
Ryan Ellis
Oliver Münsterer 
Andreas Lindner 
Judith Stolz 
Hans Schmidt 
Leonie Wesselmann
Gnanaraj Jesudian
Tim Horeman

Thursday 10th of October

Time: 8.15 – 12.15 pm and 13.00-17.30 pm

Time: 8.15 – 12.15 pm and 13.00-17.30 pm 

Time: 8.15 – 12.15 pm and 13.00-17.30 pm  

Workshop G: 
Neurosurgery “When there’s no CT-scan”.
Workshop H:
Pediatric Surgery in LMIC.
Workshop I:
Inguinal Hernia in Children and Adults in LMIC.
Nicolò Marchesini 
Thomas Kapapa
Lena Landsmann
Abdelilah Sami
Christian Doll
Emmanuel Ameh 
Zaitun Bokhary
Eva Stortelder 
Johannes Verweij 
Judith Lindert 
Theo Wiggers
Marije Gordinou de Gouberville 
Jurre van Kesteren 
Tom Gresnigt


Thursday 10th October                            
17.30 – 18.00   Opening ceremony 
Deichmann-Auditorium, LLZ

Welcome remarks, introduction of keynote speaker  
18.00 – 18.45    Keynote Lecture

Prof Bruce Biccard 
Professor and Second Chair, Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Director of Global Surgery Research, Grote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town

Safer Surgery for Africa: Challenges and Solutions 
18.45 – 20.15   Plenary I
Deichmann-Auditorium, LLZ

Session Leads: 
Dr Serena Cruz, PhD, GSU, USA/NL, Dr Dina Tadros, MD, MPH, DTC, Germany 

H. E. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, Minister of Health Malawi
Prof Emmanuel Malabo Makasa,  Adjunct Professor of Global Surgery, Founding Director of WitSSurg, Zambia
Prof Bruce Biccard, South Africa 
Sr Dr Sarah Deogratius, Cardinal Rugambwa Hospital, Tanzania

Lessons learned, what is the Status quo on Global Surgery? What do we need to be more effective? 
20.15 – open End                     Dinner & Drinks: Mingle & Connect 
Lerncafe, LLZ
FRIDAY 11th October  
9.00 – 10.30   Plenary II  Session
Location: IG1, HS1

Chairs :
Dr  Lilian  Gondwe-Chunda, Malawi
Dr Laura Klösges, DTC Germany 

Mr Claudio Tanca, Executive Director G4 Alliance, Italy
Dr Juan Carlos Puyana, Chair of RCSI Institute of Global Surgery, Ireland, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr Rose Alenyo, Chair of Training Division Plastic and Burns Surgery, Makerere University, Kampala/Uganda
Dr Laëlle Mangurat, MD MPH Surgeon, Haiti  Global Surgery in the middle of the SDGs,

Global Surgery in the middle of the SDGs – still a neglected stepchild of Global Health?I just want to treat my patient – What I need from politics and academia!
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
Lerncafé LLZ

 11.00 – 13.00 Breakout Sessions  I-IV
Breakout Session I
Location: IG1, HS1

National Surgical, Obstetrics and Anesthesia Plans (NSOAPS)

Session Chairs:
Dr María José García Fuentes, Executive Director Latin American Health Corporation (CLS), Ecuador
Prof Thomas Kapapa, Universitätsklinikum Ulm

Session Leads:
Prof Henning Mothes, DTC, Germany 
Dr Serena Cruz, G4 Alliance, GSU, NL/USA

H.E. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MoH Malawi
Prof Emmanuel Malabo Makasa, Zambia
Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete, Fiji – online
Prof Larry Akoko,, Associate Professor of Surgery, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania

How far have we come in implementing NSOAPS. Which countries were successful, which countries weren´t and if so, why? Almost a decade since their inception, what are some of the lessons learned? How can we best move ahead form here?  
Breakout Session II 
Location: Seminarraum 1, LLZ

Road Traffic Accidents, Global Trauma Care and Burns

Session Chairs:
Dr Roeland Voorhoeve, NSIS NL 
Dr Ellen Reuling, NSIS, Netherlands

Dr Joost Binnerts, Dr international Health and Global Surgery, NL 
Dr Ismail Mohamed Ali Jimale, Head of ORL MoH  Somalia
Dr Juan Carlos Puyana, Chair of RCSI Institute of Global Surgery, Ireland, University of Pittsburgh USA 

Approximately 1.2 million people die each year off road traffic crashes.  92% of the world’s fatalities on the roads occur in LMICs, Road traffic incidents including burns and trauma cause the highest burden for acute surgical care. In this session we want to hear from leading experts on the causes, needs to support those practitioners on the ground and how to make our support more sustainable
Breakout Session III  
Location: Hörsaal Augen/HNO

Global Surgery in Times of Conflict and Disaster

Session Leads:
Dr Sayed Shah Nur Shah, Incision Kenya
Dr Lena Landsmann, Germany

Dr Brittney Mengistu (VU Amsterdam), NL
Dr Carlos Pilasi Menichetti, MSF Consultant Trauma Surgeon NHS UK
Dr Christos Giannou, Former Head Surgeon ICRC, Greece
Dr Judith Kendell, Anesthesiologist MSF UK

With many ongoing conflicts and more of those on the horizon, healthcare systems are quickly overwhelmed with an acute number of casualties that need specialized care, drain resources, and where healthcare workers and institutes become under attack as well. What measures need to be in place to ensure that the general population can still have access to a well-functioning healthcare system?  
Breakout Session IV 
Location: Kurssaal Audimax

Global Surgery: moving beyond Physicians? 

Session Leads: 
Dr Jonathan Vas Nunes, NL
Dr Håkon Bolkan, Norway (CapaCare)

Mr Sandhi Gangha, Sierra Leone⁠
Dr Martilord Ifeanyichi, Ass. Professorial Research Fellow LSE Health, UK
Dr Jakub Gajewski, RCSI Institute of Global Surgery, Ireland
Dr Håkon Bolkan, Capa Care, Norway 

The long-term success of a surgery depends on more than the surgeon. Nurses, Midwives, Physical therapists. Beyond surgery, proper management of postoperative care has the most impact on on postoperative mortality. One solution could task sharing 
13.00 – 15.00    Lunch break, Poster presentation
Lerncafé LLZ
15.00 – 17.00    Breakout Sessions  
Breakout Session V  
Location: Hörsaal Verwaltung

Pandemic Preparedness in the Context of Global Surgery

Session Leads:
Dr Cynthia de Carvalho, DTC , Germany;
Dr Jurre  van Kesteren,NL

Sr Dr Sarah Deogratius, Cardinal Rugambwa Hospital, Tanzania
Dr Richard Crawford, South Africa
Dr Leticia Campos, Research Project Administrator, Rare Diseases Community (RDCom)

Lessons learned from Covid-19 and preparing for the next pandemic. We cannot allow for a collapse of healthcare systems, surgical cases being cancelled, oncologic cases deteriorating and the disorganization and wrong prioritization to impact the surgical care in such a way again. This session will look at the measures that need to be put in place to not repeat the mistakes of past pandemics/endemics and to make sure the healthcare system is equipped to face the next catastrophe
Breakout Session VI
Location: Deichmann Auditorium 

Women Leaders in Global Surgery – Experiences, Empowerment, Joint Action

Session Leads:
Dr Serena Cruz, GSU, NL / USA
Dr Judith Stoltz, MD, M.Sc. GSU, Germany

H.E. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MoH Malawi 
Dr Laëlle Mangurat, MD MPH, Surgeon, Haiti
Dr Maria Camila Montufar Pantoja, GSU Dr Parnian Parvanta, MSF, Germany  

More than 70% of first-year medical students are female. More and more women are entering into surgical disciplines including obstetrics and gynecology. While these specialties are traditionally male dominated, we need to change the perception of young physicians that as a female doctor one cannot excel in surgery and have a family. We want to celebrate female role models and take a thorough analysis of the future of surgery and what needs to happen for surgery to still be an attractive discipline for young physicians in the future.  
Breakout Session VII 
Location: IG1, HS1

Global Surgery – Technological Revolution and the Future  

Session Leads:
Dr Jenny Dankelman, NL
Dr Sayed Shah Nur Shah, Kenya 

Prof Dhananjaya Sharma, Head, Dpt of Surgery, NSCB Med College India
Dr Tim Horeman-Franse, Assoc. Prof TUDelft Sustainable Surgery & Translational Technology, NL
Dr Gnanaraj Jesudian, G4 Alliance, India 

Looking at the future, AI, technologic advancements but also the growing need for low-cost solutions and innovative methods to deliver quality of surgical care is of increasing need. What efforts are being taken in that field and how can these solutions be upscaled and distributed widely.  
Breakout Session VII 

Surgery beyond the Operating Room 
Location: Kurssaal Audimax

Session Leads:
Dr Bernward Steinhorst, Germany
 Dr. Nora Zergi, Norway 

Dr Jerry K. Eshun, Specialist Family Practitioner, Ghana
Dr Paul S. K Glover, Assist. Prof of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine at Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Ghana/Canada 
Dr. Nora Zergi, Norway
Dr Martin Munthali, Zambia

The LMIC Hospital: Superheroes’ Playground or Beehive?No successful surgery without other disciplines. Our goal is to describe the system which makes surgery work, often taken for granted by those who have not yet taken on all the different roles at a time – as ‘superheroes’ – themselves. Our speakers will describe the challenge from their own very distinct perspective, and then we will sit together discussing cases facing us with typical challenges regarding system – ‘beehive’ – function. 
17.00 – 18.00    Plenary III Synthesis of all Breakout Sessions
Location: Deichmann Auditorium 

Each Chair to summarize Key Takeaways of their session.  Moderated by Dr Laura Klösges
 19.00 – open End    Official Dinner / Party at “Unperfekthaus” 
SATURDAY 12th October 
10:00 – 11:00    Plenary IV    The role of Advocacy – Political Action vs. Clinical Action?  
Location: Deichmann Auditorium 

Session Chairs:
Dr Serena Cruz GSU USA/NL
Dr Cynthia De Carvalho, DTC Germany 

Interactive Segment:
Mr Claudio Tanca, Executive Director G4 Alliance, Italy
Prof Emmanuel Malabo Makasa, Adjunct Professor of Global Surgery, Founding Director of WitSSurg, Zambia
Dr María José García Fuentes, Executive Director Latin American Health Corporation (CLS), EcuadorDr Brenda Kelly, Consultant Obstetrician and Clinical Lead for women with FGM, Northern Ireland 
11.00 – 11.30    Coffee Break 
Lerncafé LLZ
11.30 – 13.30    Working Group Sessions 
Group Session I 
Location: LLZ, Seminarraum 1 

Poster and Abstract Session 

Dr. Hanna Bleichroth, DTC Germany; 
 Dr Sayed Shah Nur Shah, Incision Kenya  
Group Session II 
Kurssaal Audimax

Clinical Work, Case Reports’How I did it’

 Dr Bernward Steinhorst, Germany

Dr Erik Erichsen, Surgeon Sweden/Ethiopia
Dr Laëlle Mangurat, MD MPH, Surgeon, Haiti
Dr Isaac Mubezi, Surgeon, Uganda

 Our goal is to sharpen our identity as Global Surgeons by looking at the past, present, and future in three different geographical, political, and social settings. Immersion into each speaker’s hospital through case histories turns that experience into a very immediate one. 
Group Session III 
Deichmann Auditorium

Next Generation – Education

Dr. Judith Lindert, DTC, Germany
Dr Mina Lahlal, Austria

Dr Mina Lahlal, Austria
Dr Pratyush Kumar, Incision, India
Dr Judith Hillner, DTC Germany
Dr Alliance Niyukuri, Mercy Surgeons, Burundi – Online
Dr Michael Cotton, Surgeon, Author “Primary Surgery”, Switzerland/UK 

Challenges for future generations of surgeons. Enhancing training opportunities and managing a world of protective medicine and advanced educational opportunities.Primary surgery a means to an end or the cornerstone for everysurgeon? 
Group Session IV 
Location: IG1 Hörsaal 1  

Networking and Advocacy 

Dr Serena Cruz, G4 Alliance and GSU, USA/NL
Mr Claudio Tanca, Executive Director G4 Alliance, USA 
Representatives of all groups

 Do we need another (European) Global Surgery Network? And if so, how do we work together? 
13.30 – 14.30    Lunch Break Poster Presentation
Lerncafé LLZ
14.30 – 15.30    Closing Ceremony
Deichmann Auditorium

Introducing the EGSN – what it stands for, what it aims to achieve and why we think it is relevant.  
Dr Dina Tadros MD MPH, DTC Germany  

Announcing the Next Generation Leader Awardee – TBD

Declaration of the Global Surgeon 
Dr Bernward Steinhorst (for the EGSN Advocacy Group)

Where do we go from here? 
Prof Larry Akoko, Associate Professor of Surgery Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania  

Closing Remarks by Dr Ellen Reuling, NSIS, NL and Prof Henning Mothes, DTC, Germany

18:00 Dinner at L’Osteria, Rüttenscheider Straße 187-89