Workshop C

Ear Nose and Throat and medical technology in LMIC

Tuesday 8th of October, 8:30-17:00 hr.


  • Management of ENT emergencies in low-resource settings
  • Approach to the Upper Airway Obstruction
  • Tracheostomy indications, complications, and surgical approaches
  • Management of Head and Neck Cancer in low-resource settings
  • Case presentations and interactive discussions
  •  Management of maxillofacial trauma in low-resource settings.
  • Approach to foreign bodies in the upper airways and ear.
  • Approach to nosebleeds (epistaxis)
  • Management of hearing loss without access to diagnostic equipment such as hearing assessment


  • Learning how to manage life-threatening upper airway obstructions with an emphasis on tracheostomy approaches.
  • Attaining a basic understanding of the challenges in managing head and neck cancer patients in low-resource settings.
  • Basic approach to usage of innovative surgical technologies in low-resource settings.
  • Basic ENT skills
  • The course starts with a general introduction to ENT emergencies and approaches to managing patients in low-resource settings. Tracheostomy – one of the most important life-saving interventions – is discussed from a global surgery perspective. Emphasis will be on techniques that can be applied in various settings. Since the management of head and neck cancer patients can differ greatly in LMICs compared to the guidelines designed in higher income settings, these issues will be approached by case studies from Malawi, South Africa and USA. Finally, barriers to surgical equality in terms of technology availability in LMICs is discussed from an ENT perspective. 


This course will have a practical session on tracheostomy techniques and some basic ENT skills (removal of corpora aliena in ENT, treatment of hemostaxis).
